the idea of science and richness sufisiente tegnologia is to generate a climate that allows
understanding social and environmental sustainability.
a resent study on indicators of science and tegnologia said that Latin American countries are far from reaching the nations imversion as:
usa, canada, or block europeo.brasil is the only country on the continent to exceed 1% PIB.colombia ubral not taking advantage of international resources that support and development of science and tegnologia.
however the country well in an effort to inclement doctors fomar academic programs for this purpose.
increased higher education programs for the training of the highest level is 70% so the recommended OCYT incremntar this sifra.por that reason, the ITM to take formal training as a commitment to increase science, tegnologia, andthe company materializing in each of the training programs given by the institucion.debido tegnologica that the ITM is an autonomous institution adscita wing government of Medellin, offers a public service and cultural development in higher education for l integral formation of human resources in tegologia science.
fundamentadasen the imvestigacion, enabling wing person learn to be, do and comvivir, consientisandonos in ecological and social level.
ITM, agreed with other academic knowledge and cultural knowledge solciales thus satisfying not only the technological and scientific conosimiento if not also in eologico consibilisando and social.
CTS studies are now a field of work of critical educational resource to study the social dimencion ciecia and technology in antesedentes vasada and in their social and environmental consecuancias vase having as a variety of academic and compentencias guidelines are:
competition 1: to develop in students the layers concetoptos Recon and understand the science, technology, technology and society.
Competition 2: looking for the student to understand the contexts hstoricos, cultural, scientific and technology in the West.
Competition 3: analyzes the social impact and apply in respect ethnic politics and aesthetics.
Competition 4: scans all decisions made technical and scientific impact jener technological, social, cultural or economic.
above all is important to recognize that technological Lavor engineering is primarily a social and humanistic Lavor, in short the Lavor of CTS is based on that academic training in technology, science and engineering must always be aimed at a social Lavor ecological.

Vistas: 35


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