That the idea of meeting social demands in terms of better conditions for social life is associated with the development and adoption of science and technology as a component of culture, a recent indicators of science and technology in Colombia indicates that 2007 1.7 trillion dollars invested in science, technology and innovation that is 0.4 percent of gross domestic product.

Thanks to this study recognizes that Colombia is not taking advantage of international resources that supports the development of science, technology and innovation in the world also was learned that a total of 5179 people have titles doctors one of the most positive indicators genre study is to increase academic program for PhD's, in this sense the formation of ITM commitment stated in the organizational culture agrees on the need to adopt as a central focus of their academic activities concerning science, technology and society ( CTS).

The ITM is a public university institution attached to the mayor of Medellin that provides a public service culture in higher education, trained in the excellence of research in this sense, the ITM adopts as its own action to meet social demands not only in knowledge in science, technology and the consequences of their use in the second type of explanation (non-epistemic) are usually included all the elements to cognitive or otherwise, are attributable to social, professional, psychological, and political of scientific practices and technological advances latter type are called "social factors" or factors independent of the "social context" the subject CTS has a design for competition is very important to recognize then that the technological and engineering work XXI century is to all social and humanistic work, therefore no exaggeration to associate with the technologist and engineer as a social study, expected to constitute a significant study materials and to provide elements of discussion and analysis within the academic community and to provide the maximum to integrate the student training.

Vistas: 22


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